From April 5 to May 29 2011 – Museu del Cinema
A Forum for New Creators: Pere Vilà, Imma Serra, Pere Solés, David Pérez and Sandra Ojosnegros
For some years, certain filmmakers have been looking for new exhibition platforms and several managers have worked to ensure that museums become these alternative projection platforms. At this moment in time there is a huge diversity of screens and the cinema no longer plays the central role that it did throughout the twentieth century.
The Museum of Cinema offers the possibility of opening a window to show the proposals of "invisible" cinema made by "furtive" directors who find in the Museum of Cinema a possible exhibition venue. Pantalla Oberta is an example of this new cinema that is being produced in this region by five directors: Pere Vilà, Imma Serra, Pere Solés, David Pérez and Sandra Ojosnegros. Five directors in different genres, with different influences and careers but with a common denominator: the idea of making their own way independently and furtively in the cinema.