Guia. Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol (català)
The new Guide aims to highlight 300 of the main objects in the collections kept by the Cinema Museum, the most emblematic and the most exceptional, framing and contextualizing them within the history of the archeology of audiovisual media and cinema of the origins.
Authors: Jordi Pons and Montse Puigdevall
Publisher: Foundation Museum of Cinema-Collection Tomàs Mallol. Girona City Council
Place and year: Girona, 2023
ISBN: 978-84-8496-310-3
Price: €20.00
Guia. Museo del Cine. Colección Tomàs Mallol (castellano)
The new Guide aims to highlight 300 of the main objects in the collections kept by the Cinema Museum, the most emblematic and the most exceptional, framing and contextualizing them within the history of the archeology of audiovisual media and cinema of the origins.
Authors: Jordi Pons and Montse Puigdevall
Publisher: Foundation Museum of Cinema-Collection Tomàs Mallol. Girona City Council
Place and year: Girona, 2023
ISBN: 978-84-8496-310-3
Price: €20.00
Guide. Museum of Cinema-Tomàs Mallol Collection (english)
The new Guide aims to highlight 300 of the main objects in the collections kept by the Cinema Museum, the most emblematic and the most exceptional, framing and contextualizing them within the history of the archeology of audiovisual media and cinema of the origins.
Authors: Jordi Pons and Montse Puigdevall
Publisher: Foundation Museum of Cinema-Collection Tomàs Mallol. Girona City Council
Place and year: Girona, 2023
ISBN: 978-84-8496-310-3
Price: €20.00
Guide. Musée du Cinéma-CollectionTomàs Mallol (français)
The new Guide aims to highlight 300 of the main objects in the collections kept by the Cinema Museum, the most emblematic and the most exceptional, framing and contextualizing them within the history of the archeology of audiovisual media and cinema of the origins.
Authors: Jordi Pons and Montse Puigdevall
Publisher: Foundation Museum of Cinema-Collection Tomàs Mallol. Girona City Council
Place and year: Girona, 2023
ISBN: 978-84-8496-310-3
Price: €20.00
Visions of the sick body. Physical and mental pathologies' representations in photography and early cinema
Proceedings of the 14th International Seminar on the Background and Origins of Cinema, organized by the Museu del Cinema and the Universitat de Girona, on November 9th and 10th, 2023.
Editors: Àngel Quintana and Jordi Pons
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2024
ISBN: 978-84-8496-328-8
Price: 10 €
Les gens que j'aime. Christophe Farnarier
Catalog of the photographic exhibition of film director and photographer Christophe Farnarier. It includes 76 photographs, which the artist took during the eighties and nineties of the last century, and texts (in Catalan) by Íngrid Guardiola.
Photographs: Christophe Farnarier
Texts: Íngrid Guardiola
Publisher: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year: Girona, 2024
ISBN: 978-84-8496-325-7
Price: 20 €
Virtual worlds in early cinema: devices, aesthetics and audiences
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 13th International Seminar on the Origins and History of Cinema, was held in Girona on 20th, 21tn and 22th October 2021, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Editors: Àngel Quintana i Jordi Pons
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 202
ISBN: 978-84-8496-305-9
Preu: 10 €
The visible woman. Presences of femininity on the screen (1895-1920)
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 12th International Seminar on the Origins and History of Cinema, was held in Girona on 28th and 29th Marchl 2019, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Editors: Àngel Quintana i Jordi Pons
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2020
ISBN: 978-84-8496-277-9
Preu: 10 €
Presences and representations of women in the early years of cinema (1895-1920)
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 11th International Seminar on the Origins and History of Cinema, was held in Girona on 30th and 31th Marchl 2017, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Editors: Àngel Quintana i Jordi Pons
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2019
ISBN: 978-84-8496-261-8
Preu: 10 €
The Great War 1914-1918. The First War of images
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 10th International Seminar on the Origins and History of Cinema, was held in Girona on 9th and 10th April 2015, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Editors: Àngel Quintana i Jordi Pons
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publicaction: Girona, 2016
ISBN: 978-84-8496-220-5
Price: 6 €
Objectivity and the effects of truth. Early cinema and the realist tradition.
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 9th International Seminar on the Origins and History of Cinema, was held in Girona on 14th and 15th November 2013, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Editors: Àngel Quintana i Jordi Pons
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2015
ISBN: 978-84-8496-203-8
Price: 6 €
The construction of news in early cinema
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 8th International Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, entitled 'The construction of news in early cinema', was held in Girona on 31 March and 1 April 2011, organized by the Cinema Museum, University of Girona and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Research Project: ' The construction of news in eary cinema (1896-1914)'
Editores: Àngel Quintana i Jordi Pons
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2012
ISBN: 978-84-8496-174-1
Price: 6 €
Un art d'espectres: màgia i esoterisme en el cinema dels primers temps
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 7th Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, was held in Girona on 31 March and 1 April 2011, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Author: VV.AA.
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2010
ISBN: 978-84-8496-1505
Price: 6 €
Un art d'espectres: màgia i esoterisme en el cinema dels primers temps
Cinema i modernitat: les transformacions de la percepció
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 6th Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, was held in Girona on 12 and 13 April 2011, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Autor: VVAA
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publicaction: Girona, 2008
ISBN: 978-84-8496-061-4
Price: 6 €
Cinema i teatre: influències i contagis
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 5th Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, was held in Girona on 17 and 18 March 2005, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Author: VV.AA.
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2006
ISBN: 84-8496-038-2
Price: 6 €
Imatge i viatge. De les vistes òptiques al cinema: la configuració de l'imaginari turístic
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 4th Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, was held in Girona on 4 and 5 April 2003, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Author: VV.AA.
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2004
ISBN: 84-8496-118-4
Price: 6 €
La construcció del públic dels primers espectacles cinematogràfics
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 3rd Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, was held in Girona on 4 May 2001, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Autor: VVAA
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2003
ISBN: 84-8496-097-8
Price: 6 €
L'origen del cinema i les imatges del s. XIX
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 2nd Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, was held in Girona on 5 May 2000, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Autor: VVAA
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2001
ISBN: 84-86837-76-6
Price: 6 €
Què és el precinema? Bases metodològiques per a l'estudi del precinema
Publication of the lectures and papers presented at the 1st Seminar on the origins and history of cinema, was held in Girona on 7 May 1999, organized by the Cinema Museum and University of Girona.
Autor: VVAA
Editorial: Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol. Ajuntament de Girona
Place and year of publication: Girona, 2000
ISBN: 84-86837-93-6
Price: Sold out
El cinema. Història d'una fascinació
The pre-cinema history and the origins of cinema through Tomàs Mallol Collection. Catalan edition
Author: Jordi Pons.
Editorial: Àmbit Serveis Editorials
Place and year of publication: Barcelona, 2002
ISBN: 84-89681-71-6
Price: 20 €
El cinema. Història d'una fascinació
El cine. Historia de una fascinación
The pre-cinema history and the origins of cinema through Tomàs Mallol Collection. Spanish edition
Author: Jordi Pons.
Editorial: Àmbit Serveis Editorials
Place and year of publication: Barcelona, 2002
ISBN: 84-89681-71-6
Price: 20 €
Movie Makers. From shadow theatre to cinema
The pre-cinema history and the origins of cinema through Tomàs Mallol Collection. English edition
Author: Jordi Pons.
Editorial: Àmbit Serveis Editorials
Place and year of publication: Barcelona, 2006
ISBN: 84-89681-71-6
Price: 17 €
Els germans Lumière i el cinema
Author b> Foiret Jacques Philippe Brochard
Editorial: b> Editions Nathan and Girona City Council
Place and year: b> Paris, 1995
Price: b> Sold out
Los hermanos Lumière y el cine
Author b> Foiret Jacques Philippe Brochard
Editorial: b> Editions Nathan Girona City Council
Place and year: b> Paris, 1995
Price: b> 9 €
Museum of Cinema • C. de la Séquia, 1 - 17001 GIRONA • Tel. +34 +34 972 412 777 •