The owner of the website hosted at the URL (from now on, the "Web") is the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol, whose identification data are as follows: c. Sèquia, 1, 17001 Girona, NIF G17423583. This Foundation is registered in the Register of Museums of Catalonia (Resolution of 15/11/2002, published in DOGC n. 3772 of 29/11/2002). The Tomàs Mallol Collection is registered in the Catalog of Catalan Cultural Heritage (Resolution of the Conseller de Cultura of 10/18/2011).
The Legal Notice regulates access to the website and its use by its users.
Access to the website and its use implies acceptance of the Legal Notice, as well as of the other policies that, if applicable, can be provided for on the website.
Therefore, we ask the user to carefully read the Legal Notice when proposing to use the website, as it can be modified at any time. If you do not accept the Legal Notice, please refrain from using the website.
The user undertakes to make diligent use of the website, as well as the information included in it, in full subjection to the applicable regulations, to the Legal Notice and, where appropriate, to the other terms and conditions included on the website.
Also, the user undertakes not to carry out any act with the aim of damaging, rendering useless or overloading the website, or that prevents, in any way, the normal use and operation of the same.
The user is informed that, in the event that he breaches the Legal Notice or the rest of the website's policies, the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol reserves the right to limit, suspend and terminate his access to the web, adopting any technical measures that are necessary.
The Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol makes its best efforts to keep the website in good working order, avoiding errors or, as the case may be, repairing them and keeping the website contents duly updated. However, it does not guarantee the availability and continuity of access to the website or the absence of errors in its contents, nor that the latter are timely updated.
Both the access to the website and the use that may be made of any information it contains are carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the user.
The Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol is not responsible for any damage or prejudice that may derive, directly or indirectly, from the access or use of the information contained on the website, including those produced in computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses or computer attacks Nor will it be responsible for the damages that users may suffer due to inappropriate use of the website or for drops, interruptions, absence or defects in communications and/or the Internet.
Additionally, the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol is not responsible for any damage to the user's software or hardware that results from accessing or using the website.
The user will be responsible for the damages that the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject under the Legal Notice, the legislation applicable and/or of the other policies.
Whoever intends to include in a website ("Linking website") a link that directs to the website of the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol, must request it and comply with current legislation; under no circumstances may it host content, its own or from third parties, that: (i) is illegal, harmful, violent, racist, derogatory, etc.; and/or (ii) are inappropriate or not relevant in relation to the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol.
The link does not imply that the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol endorses, promotes, guarantees, supervises or recommends the content or services of the Linking website, nor that it is responsible for its content. In the event of non-compliance with any of the terms referred to above, the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol will proceed, immediately, to revoke the consent granted to the Linking website, which will have to delete the link.
The website may include different links that allow the user to access other websites ("linked websites").
In no case does the existence of linked websites imply recommendation, promotion, identification or conformity of the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol with the manifestations, content or services provided through the linked websites. Consequently, it is not responsible for the content, nor for the terms and conditions of the linked websites; the user is solely responsible for checking and accepting them each time he accesses and uses them.
All intellectual property rights on the designs, databases, underlying computer programs (including source codes), the various elements that make up the website (texts, graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, color combinations, etc.) [the "Contents"], as well as their structure, selection and order, are the property of the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol or its licensors. The distinctive signs included on the website (trademarks and trade names) are the property of the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol or its licensors.
The use of the website by the user does not imply the assignment of any intellectual and/or industrial property rights on the website and its contents.
In this regard, the user is expressly prohibited from reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction or any other form of dissemination not expressly authorized from the website, its contents or the distinctive signs of the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol.
The unauthorized use of the contents, as well as the damage caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol, may exercise the actions that legally correspond to it, and the responsibilities that can derive from it.
The aspects related to the treatment of the personal data of the users of the website are regulated in the Privacy Policy of the website.
If any of the clauses of the Legal Notice is declared, in whole or in part, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will affect only this provision or the part of it that results void or ineffective. For these purposes, the Legal Notice will only cease to be valid exclusively with respect to the null or ineffective provision, and no other part or provision will be annulled, invalidated, damaged or affected by this nullity or ineffectiveness, unless to be essential it would have to affect the Legal Notice in an integral way.
In the event that any conflict or discrepancy arises in the interpretation or application of the Legal Notice, the Courts and Tribunals that, if applicable, will hear the matter will be those provided for in the legal regulations applicable.