On this page you will find various audio-visual resources that explain devices, procedures, inventors or experiments related to the technology of the image from pre-cinema and the early days of cinema.
Cinématographe Lumière
Edison's Kinetoscope
La Toupie Fantoches. Émile Reynaud
Théâtre Optique / Optical Theatre - Émile Reynaud
Muybridge's Chronophotography
Daguerreotype. L.J.M. Daguerre and N. Niépce
Polyorama panoptique. P.H.A. Lefort
Flick-book \
Magic lantern slide. Moving image
''La sirena i el mariner'' Cine NIC. Toy projector
'Les trifulques d'en Catúfol' Cine NIC. Toy projector
Mutoscope. International Mutoscope Reel Co
Albumen: photo process (s. XIX)
Baird Mechanical television
Kinora Bond's Ltd
Praxinoscope theatre. Émile Reynaud
Praxinoscope with music box
The Magic Lantern images
Phantasmagoria Magic Lantern
The Projection Praxinoscope. Émile Reynaud
Beale's Choreutoscope
Camera Lucida
Japanese photo album. Aldolfo Farsari Studio (Yokohama, 1885-1890)
Magic lantern slides. Astronomy
Optical Box (c.1750-1790)
Tent camera obscura
Wheel of Life Magic Lantern Slide (T. Ross)
Museum of Cinema • C. de la Séquia, 1 - 17001 GIRONA • Tel. +34 +34 972 412 777 • info@museudelcinema.cat