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The Museum

The shop

In the Museum of Cinema Shop you can buy zoetropes, praxinoscopes, mutoscopes, phenakistoscopes and other pre-cinema devices, merchandising related to the museum, and some kinds of articles associated with the world of the seventh art.

For more information contact us at:

+34 972 412 777.

Room hire

  • Taller de projeccions
  • Sala d'audiovisuals

The Museum of Cinema has various spaces that can be hired out to companies and private individuals for the organization of different events in them. The projections workshop (left) seats 40, with the possibility of extending it to 60, and has loudspeakers and a projector for DVDs and PCs. The audio-visuals room (right) seats 25 and has a DVD and PC projector.

For more information contact us at:

+34 972 412 777.

Granting of images

The Museum of Cinema has a large stock of images of objects from its collections, related especially to pre-cinema and the devices used in the early days of the cinema. These images can be granted to companies and private individuals, for the illustration of books, webpages, etc.

For more information contact us at:

+34 972 412 777.