Català Español English Français


September to June

De 10 a 18 h

Tuesday to Saturday
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

De 10 a 14 h

de 10 a 14 h

July and August

De 10 a 19 h

Monday to Saturday
10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

De 10 a 14 h

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Closed on Mondays that are not public holidays (except July and August), 25th and 26th December, 1st and 6th January. Last admission: 45 minutes before the Museum closes. Special opening hours during Easter Week (more information in the events section events section). Admission free on the first Sunday in every month.


  • 7

    General admission

  • 5,50

    Reduced admission (20% off)

    Membres d'entitats amb conveni amb el Museu.

  • 3,50

    Reduced admission (50% off)

    Students, retired persons, unemployed persons, disabled people and large families, Girona Cultura card, Gironamuseus and groups of 15 or more.

  • 0

    Free admission

    Under 14s, members of the Museum of Cinema Friends Club, Girona Cultura 16-25 card, members of AMC and ICOM.

    Admission free on the first Sunday in every month, 28th December (the anniversary of the first public film show) and 18th May (International Museums Day).

Guided tour: Supplement on the admission charge.