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The Museum


The origins of the Museum of Cinema lie in the acquisition, on January 28, 1994, of the Tomàs Mallol Collection of cinematographic and pre-cinematic objects by Girona City Council. The Cinema Museum was inaugurated in Girona after four years, on April 8, 1998, and was the first of its kind in Spain, comparable in terms of the quality of the collection and of the exhibition project with the main film museums in Europe.


The Museum of Cinema-Tomàs Mallol Collection is a public institution, open to all citizens, located in the city of Girona and managed by a public foundation linked to the City Council. Its mission is to promote understanding and knowledge of the history of the moving image and cinema through the conservation, research, interpretation and permanent exhibition of the Tomàs Mallol Collection and other collections or objects that can be acquired, as well as through the organization of activities and the offering of services that allow interaction with visitors and users of the museum.


Jordi Pons

Management of collections and Institute of Studies
Montserrat Puigdevall

Activities and communication
Jordi Dorca

Educational service
Anna Carpena

Laura Bosch

Rafel d'Arquer

Coordination of the public service
Montserrat Colomer / Pau Casacuberta

Reception and ticket office
Mari Cruz Rodríguez / Maria Balaguer

The building

The Cinema Museum is located in a fully renovated 19th century industrial building of nearly 3,000 m2, which was originally an old paper factory. Popularly, this building was known as "Casa de les Aigües", because for many years it was the headquarters of Girona's drinking water supply company. It has a characteristic tower that rises above its roof and is visible from many parts of the city.

This building is located between Carrer del Perill, Carrer de la Sèquia and Plaça de Santa Susanna del Mercadal, a central location halfway between one of the most important commercial and tourist areas of the city (Carrer de Santa Clara, Carrer Nou and Rambla de la Llibertat) and a large open space very frequented by Girona residents, the Plaça de l'1 d'Octubre de 1997.

Història de l'edifici

Prizes and awards

Throughout its history, the Cinema Museum has received several awards that recognize the work it carries out. The most important are the following:

  • Marta Mata Prize 2010

    Awarded by the Association of Rosa Sensat Teachers "in distinction to a museum that promotes the approach and specialized knowledge in art, technique, cinema and the science of the image through a rigorous and attractive museum proposal due to the nature of the facilities and the educational proposals aimed at children and young people".

  • Faristol Award 2008

    Awarded by the Faristol Children's Magazine and delivered to the Cinema Museum "for all activities in favor of children".

  • ACAT Award 2008

    Tramontana Cinematographic and Audiovisual Association (Figueres).

  • National Cultural Heritage Award 2006

    Awarded by the Generalitat of Catalonia "as the culmination of a recovery of cinematographic heritage, which Tomàs Mallol started with his private collection, and to which the Museum gives extraordinary vitality by putting within the reach of all citizens".

  • González Sinde Award 2003

    Awarded by the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Spain, this award aims to highlight the work of those institutions or entities that have been significant for the use of the cinematographic medium for social purposes.

  • Finalist in the European Museum Award 1999

    European Museum Award of the year, held in the city of Bonn (Germany).