From July 6 to October 2, 2005 – Museu del Cinema
Three Tributes to the Imagination of Jules Verne
If we go to any bookshop or public library in the country today, we are sure to find a book by Jules Verne (1828-1905). If we ask the majority of the population who Captain Nemo or Phineas Fogg was we will receive the correct answers. If we ask anyone to complete the sentences "Around the World ..." or "Journey to the Centre of ..." they will surely know the complete titles of these novels.
A hundred years after his death, Jules Verne shows an exceptional stubbornness to stay alive in people's memories. Beyond his documentary rigour, the solid spreading of the technological advances of his time or his undeniable skills as a storyteller, with Jules Verne there is something beyond reach, exceptional, that escapes classifications and reductionist labels and which explains his survival beyond the limits of time and space.
A hundred years after his death, three museums are uniting to pay tribute to the legacy we have been handed down from Jules Verne: The Fishing Museum (Palamós), The Museum of Cinema (Girona) and The Catalan Toy Museum in Figueres. To coincide with Verne Year, and through toys, the cinema and seafaring imagination, the three museums have united to thank this great writer for his legacy.
Thanks, Jules ...