Chinese Shadow ball
China, 19th century
Javanese shadow puppet
Java, Indonesia 19th century
Indian shadow puppet
[Tholu Bommalaata]
India. 19th century
Japanese magic mirror
Japan. 19th century
Silhouettes for European shadow theatre
[Genevieve of Brabant and Count Sigfrid]
France, second half of the 18th century
Silhouette for European shadow theatre
El diablo de la cesta. Pieza en un acto para representarse en sombras
Printing house of Juan Llorens
Barcelona, 1864
John Burnett. From a painting by David Wilkie
The Rabbit on the Wall
Great Britain, 1856
Toy shadow puppet theatre
"Doña Experiencia. Farsa en un acto y en prosa para ser representada en el Teatro de Siluetas."
Carlos Barral Nualart. Indústrias Gráficas Seix & Barral
Barcelona, 1919
Toy shadow theatre with strip
"Fête des Sports"
Attributed to Saussine Éditeurs
France, circa 1920
Canes with hidden shadows
Napoleon and Louis XVI
France. First third of the 19th century
Shadow show poster
Trewey premier shadowgraphiste, mime & comedien
Stafford & Company
Netherfield (Great Britain), circa 1900
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