Thursday, October 31, 2024
With the aim of improving and modernizing the permanent exhibition, the Cinema Museum has just renovated all its panels and graphic elements. The process has been carried out in two phases and has received a grant from the Department of Culture of the Generalitat.
With the desire to update and modernize the design of the permanent exhibition, to delay its obsolescence and make it more attractive, accessible and adapted to today's visitors, the Cinema Museum has renovated all the panels and graphic elements of the permanent exhibition. This reform has also made it possible to review all the exhibition texts, incorporate new knowledge from recent years and update them with a typeface that meets accessibility standards.
In a first phase, the old panels placed on the top and inside of the display cases were replaced and individually lit. The ones that were there until then, in certain areas of the museum, presented reading problems due to the insufficient lighting of the panel. With this reform, this problem disappears completely.
In the second phase, which ended this September, all the exterior panels outside the display cases were renewed. In this case too, the texts have been updated and their typography adapted to accessibility standards. In addition, new large-format images have been incorporated to set the mood and contextualize the different thematic areas of the permanent exhibition.
The panels that were in the permanent exhibition until this remodeling, most of them installed in 1998, presented important problems that needed to be solved, such as, for example, the wear and discoloration of material produced by the passage of time that prevented good legibility of some texts; the texts were not adapted to current accessibility standards (typography, size, color, etc.) and their hierarchy was not clear enough; the poor signaling of some voiceover points in the audio guide; the information in some texts had become outdated or obsolete as a result of new research, etc.
With the new panels, in addition to correcting these and other problems, the quality of the reproduction of large-scale images is improved, the descriptive contents of the texts are updated and the panels have been manufactured with a higher quality material and much more resistant and durable.
The design of this entire graphic reform has been carried out by Cristina Masferrer and Roser Arimany, from the graphic design studio El Vol.
Taking advantage of this remodeling, all the signage and route elements of the Cinema Museum will also be updated, both in the lobby and in the permanent exhibition. Painting and other maintenance work on the permanent exhibition has also been carried out.
This action is part of one of the objectives of the Strategic Plan of the Cinema Museum 2024-2027, which is the updating and modernization of its infrastructure and equipment. In this case, the purpose is to maintain and improve the interest and experience of the visitor to the permanent exhibition. This project has received a grant from the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
In the near future, the Cinema Museum will continue to incorporate improvements to the permanent exhibition with this same objective. The next improvement, before the end of the year, will be the installation of an interactive touch screen to explain, in a basic and synthetic way, how an early cinema projector worked, specifically the Warwick Bioscope projector (The Warwick Trading Co. Ltd. London, 1904), which visitors can see in the permanent exhibition.
(English version by Google Translate)