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Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film

July 6, 2016 to January 29, 2017 – Museu del Cinema

In 1916, the first commercial film which included underwater images was screened. These images were taken by John Ernest Williamson for the film 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, which was inspired by the book written by Jules Verne

Since the beginning of time, the underwater world has captivated us. The adaptation of humans to the underwater environment was the first step towards discovering it. However, it was not until the photograph was invented in the 19th century and the development of cameras which could capture moving images (protected by waterproof cases which could withstand water, saltpeter and pressure variations), that the fascinating and mysterious world which lies beneath was revealed.

In 1916, the first commercial film which included underwater images was screened. These images were taken by John Ernest Williamson for the film 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, which was inspired by the book written by Jules Verne. The dramatic images depicting a battle between a sea monster and a pearl diver sent chills down the spines of the whole world. This was the beginning of a series of future productions in the great field of documentary and fictional cinema.

A hundred years later, based on an original idea by Dr Andrés Clarós and the material from his private collection of underwater cameras, this year we will be commemorating this first film and the pioneers who took on the great challenge of revealing the underwater world.

Produced by: Museu del Cinema, Museu Marítim de Barcelona and BCN Underwater Festival

Curators: Andrés Clarós y Silvia Dahl

Free entrance

Press book
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film
  • Underwater. 100 years on from de first underwater film