From February 19 to May 29, 2016 – Museu del Cinema
Movie's ads in American periodicals from Roger Biosca Collection (1930-1964)
The poster designer, photographer and writer Carles Fontserè defined the poster as "a cry in the wall." This exhibition, however, intends to maintain an intimate and surprising dialogue with the viewer. This exhibition is surprising because it addresses such a popular subject like Hollywood film from a novel aspect, the announcement of US films in large-circulation magazines such as "Life", "The Saturday Evening Post", "Ladies" "Home Journal", "Colliers" or "Esquire". It's intimate because it is not the same, "a cry in the street" designed in large dimensions, than a face to face of the ads. The goal was the same: go to the movies, but the media, it's different, with diferent criteria for graphic size, proportions and viewing distance.
This exhibition brings together more than one hundred advertisements from American magazines published between 1930 and 1964, from the Roger Biosca collection. A very original an singular collection.
"Vintage magazine" proposes a visual walk through this graphic treasure fruit of one of the most glorious moments of cinema as a genre closely linked to certain aesthetic solutions.