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Open Screen 2010

From March 16 to June 6, 2010 – Museu del Cinema

A Forum for New Creators: Òscar Pérez, Joan Enric Barceló, Victor Correas, Paco Cavero and David Ruiz

In recent years, the irruption of digital technology has seen the cinema undergo a radical transformation in both projecting habits and filming techniques. The lowering of costs has made it possible for daring ideas to be carried out, artistically and more easily. On top of these technical changes several filmmakers have burst on the scene seeking new audio-visual forms, in some cases interacting with other disciplines and influences that are, in theory, far removed from the cinema, like the comic, the video clip, video games, or in other cases bringing back genres, like the documentary, which up to then had been somewhat forgotten.
Open Screen is a window that offers spectators a small sample of this new cinema that is being produced in this region by five directors: Òscar Pérez, Joan Enric Barceló, Víctor Correas, Paco Cavero and David Ruiz.

  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010
  • Open Screen 2010