From May 7 to June 2, 2002 – Museu del Cinema
When one speaks of cinema heritage it is generally understood that we are referring to films. Sometimes we may be referring to machinery, particularly here in Girona, due to the existence of the Museum of Cinema and its Tomàs Mallol Collection.
The phenomenon of the cinema generates a series of aspects and activities, most of which - almost all - are or may end up becoming the cinema's cultural heritage. Thus, the literature of the cinema, books and magazines about it, scripts, commercial documents, press-books, programmes, film flyers and posters of film events, still photographs (of artists, directors, filming), merchandising, advertising, music soundtracks, collecting of all kinds and legend creation, film reviews, the patrimony of the oral testimony - these are some of the examples of the different aspects we wish to refer to.
This show, which we call a tasting exhibition, hopes to illustrate the title The Cinema's Other Heritage and is part of the series of activities organized by the association CINEMA·RESCAT, accompanying the holding in the city of Girona of CINEMA·RESCAT / TROBADA / DEBAT 2002 on 23rd, 24th and 25th May, under the same heading.