Wednesday, June 12 - 12:00 AM – Museu del Cinema
Symbolic images and famous phases of the great film actresses Vicenç Arroyo Collection
Cinema is by far the most popular art form of the 20th century and generated countless stories that have ended up becoming part of the imagination of generations of filmgoers. These stories were performed by great actresses, who have left their mark on the collective memories of film buffs. Some projected an aura that has turned them into contemporary icons of 20th century culture. Their acting, mystique and public portrayal in the photographs advertising their films has converted them into lasting images in the eyes and memories of generation after generation.
Each of them confronted, or still confront, this condition in many different ways: some saw themselves as actresses and defended their trade; others wanted to be glittering stars from the onset; some preferred to separate their celebrity from their private lives, while still others set out to take advantage of their fame in the support of causes.
Some of their most famous phases have, in part, come to define them and we have included them for this reason in this exhibition, in which we take a closer look at some of the great actresses who defined the cinematographic iconography of the 20th century with symbolic autographed images and some of their most celebrated quotes.