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Film camera–projector

Manufacturer Gaumont, Société des Etablissements
Name Chronophotographe Demeny
Place France
Date after 1897
Register 791

Film camera and projector for 35 mm films with Edison perforation. In 1896, George Demeny sold the patents for his Biographe camera and the Bioscope projector, which he had tried to market without much success, to Leon Gaumont. Gaumont then proposed to Demeny to build a new device that could perform the functions of camera and projector and with the intermittent drag system of the film using the eccentrically mounted beater system, invented by Demeny himself. The result was a first projector-camera for 60 mm perforated film (1896), with very good image quality. However, the Edison film format (35 mm) was cheaper, and therefore it was also the most used by manufacturers. Léon Gaumont wanted his devices to be able to use it and so he eventually adopted it for his camera in 1897.

  • Film camera–projector