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The Cinema Museum is carrying out the first phase of the renovation of the graphics of the permanent exhibition

Thursday, December 21, 2023

These works have been carried out thanks to a grant of €44,280.00 from the Department of Culture of Generalitat de Catalunya and the second phase is expected to be executed before the summer of 2024.

The object of this project is to change all the graphics of the permanent exhibition, replacing all the panels with the texts and posters of the exhibition, with new ones, with a more updated and attentive design and typography to the accessibility guidelines, with the aim of solving the problems that the graphics currently have, which do not facilitate reading and which means that the exposed objects do not have the relief or prominence they deserve.

The project is structured in two phases. The first is the replacement and lighting (LED) of the 54 interior panels of the permanent exhibition display cases. The production of these panels is done with printed "Dibond" material, which is resistant, of high print quality and very suitable for a permanent installation that should last for years. It should be said that the texts have also been updated and the translations revised.

For the second phase (2024) the production of the external panels of the graphics of the permanent exhibition and the painting of the permanent exhibition and the lobby are left. For the financing of this second phase, a new grant has been requested for the installation of equipment.

With these interventions and after the completion of the two phases, a very important renovation and update of the image of the permanent exhibition will have been achieved, making it more attractive, modern and accessible, 25 years after the inauguration of the Museum of Cinema.

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  • The Cinema Museum is carrying out the first phase of the renovation of the graphics of the permanent exhibition
  • The Cinema Museum is carrying out the first phase of the renovation of the graphics of the permanent exhibition
  • The Cinema Museum is carrying out the first phase of the renovation of the graphics of the permanent exhibition
  • The Cinema Museum is carrying out the first phase of the renovation of the graphics of the permanent exhibition
  • The Cinema Museum is carrying out the first phase of the renovation of the graphics of the permanent exhibition