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The Foundation

The Foundation

The Fundació Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol is the institution that governs the Cinema Museum. Created on April 22, 1994, this Foundation aims to develop cultural activities that promote the dissemination, research and education of the art of film and image, through the Cinema Museum.

In particular, it will have as specific purposes, which will carry out with full organizational and financial authority, the conservation, research, interpretation and permanent exhibition of the Tomàs Mallol Collection and other collections or objects that can be acquired, as well as the organization of cultural activities and services that allow interaction with visitors and users of the Cinema Museum and that respond to the purpose of the Foundation.

The Foundation has its domicile in the city of Girona, on Calle Sèquia, number 1, current headquarters of the Cinema Museum.

Fundació Museu del Cinema - Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol

Carrer de la Séquia, 1
17001 GIRONA

+34 972 412 777