From July 1, 2015 to January 24, 2016 – Museu del Cinema
An exhibition of a film and its director Arturo Moreno, a landmark in the history of film animation not only Catalan, but also European.
This year we commemorate that 'Garbancito de la Mancha', the first European color animated feature film, was produced 70 years ago in Barcelona. A Catalan producer and distributor Balet and Blay, and a cartoonist and illustrator of Valencian origin, Arturo Moreno, raised an ambitious and expensive film animation in the post civil war period.
This exhibition is divided in three areas. The first attempts to summarize the development of animation industry in Catalonia, emphasizing its main productions from the beginnings to the present. The second area focuses on 'Garbancito de La Mancha' and the historical events, its production process, the professionals involved, promotional activities and all the circumstances surrounding it. Finally, the career of Arturo Moreno (1909-1993), its director, illustrator, animator and cartoonist and his long career.
Organizers: Museu del Cinema and Associació Tanta Tinta
Curators: Antoni Guiral and Jordi Riera Pujal
Free entrance