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Terenci Moix

From April 2 to June 12, 2005 – Museu del Cinema

A Passion for the Cinema

To mark the second anniversary of the death of Terenci Moix, the Museum of Cinema offers us the chance to pay cinematic tribute to a writer who made the cinema his way of life. This exhibition is an audio-visual look at the great "immortal" film stars that were always with him. An invitation to discover Terenci as a collector of images, of imperishable dreams that were part of his daily working surroundings and which reappear continually in his writing. A selection of images tailor-made for his passion and which take an in-depth look at the cinephilia spread by Terenci, above all in the three volumes of his memoirs, El peso de la paja.

  • Terenci Moix
  • Terenci Moix
  • Terenci Moix
  • Terenci Moix
  • Terenci Moix
  • Terenci Moix
  • Terenci Moix
  • Terenci Moix