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Collections Selection of objects Devices for non-professionals: amateurs and children

Strips for toy cinema projector

Author Proyector NIC, S.A. Cine NIC
Title "La sirena i el mariner" / "El barber enfurismat" / "Les trifulques d’en Catúfol"
Place Barcelona (Spain)
Date 1936-1938
Register La sirena i el mariner 05069
Register El barber enfurismat 05072
Register Les trifulques d’en Catúfol 05070

Cine NIC projector strips produced during the Spanish Civil War, when the Nicolau brothers' company was collectivised and was run by a Control Committee, accountable to the CNT trade union, which continued with the production of cameras, projectors and films. The highlight of this period is the new conception of films, with a more modern drawing, made by Antoni Roca, scripts with a more adult theme and, for the first and only time, the use of the Catalan language in titles and captions. The Museum of Cinema preserves three strips from this period, extremely rare, with the titles: Les trifulques d’en Catúfol, El barber enfurismat and La sirena i el mariner. Apart from this, one of the reasons for the great success of Cine NIC was the extensive catalogue of films, which told entertaining and easy-to-follow stories. Apart from characters of their own creation (Miau, Nikito, Tom the Cowboy...), they added famous protagonists such as Popeye and, from 1942, they bought the adaptation rights to the Walt Disney films with the main characters, such as Mickey, Donald, Pluto, Pinocchio, Cinderella, and Peter Pan, and their feature films, The Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, the Jungle Book, etc.

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  • Strips for toy cinema projector
  • Strips for toy cinema projector
  • Strips for toy cinema projector