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Collections Selection of objects Devices for non-professionals: amateurs and children

Toy cinema projector

Manufacturer Ricard Rodoreda Gorospe and Joan Bultà Roig
Name Rod-Bul
Place Barcelona (Spain)
Date 1933-1935
Register 1745

The success of Cine NIC spurred many entrepreneurs to patent and market their own film projectors for children, such as these two, patented by Ricard Rodoreda Gorospe and Joan Bultà Roig between 1933 and 1935. The Rod-Bul projector used transparent drawing paper strips with rectangular perforations for regular film scrolling. Initially, the perforations were central, that is, between frame and frame, but later, due to their poor performance, they used two side perforations with the same drag system, which was synchronised with the shutter. The name Rod-Bul was derived from the first three letters of the surnames of the two inventors and the logo was clearly inspired by that of the Cine NIC, in this case, a pirate riding a whale. Few were manufactured and fewer were sold, especially of the second model, which they called Vailet. It was a flop and spelled ruin for its inventors.

  • Toy cinema projector