Manufacturer | López y Gamara
Place | Spain
Date | ca. 1850
Register | 02132 |
>Manufacturer: López y Gamara
Place: Spain
Date: ca. 1850
Register: 02132
Box camera and all the elements and products necessary to create a daguerreotype. The process for the preparation and subsequent development of a daguerreotype was long, complicated and, at times, dangerous. One first had to prepare the copper plate, polish it and emulsify it with various products to produce silver iodide. After the plate was exposed, the image was developed with mercury vapours, seriously harmful to the health of the photographer, fixed by bathing in sodium thiosulphate and then cleaned with distilled water and dried. One could hand-colour some details of the photograph. The cameras used to capture the first photographs were derived from suitably modified 18th century portable cameras obscura. They were sliding box cameras, that is to say, two boxes, one inside the other, which by moving allowed the correct focus of the image.
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