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Scientific book

Author Jean-François Niceron
Title "La perspective curieuse"
lace; France
Date 1663
Register 02335

Experimented on by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century and widespread during the 18th century, anamorphosis is the projection of an image with a warped perspective. The anamorphic image viewed with the naked eye is bizarre and unrecognisable, but seen from a certain angle or through a cylindrical or conical mirror, it recovers its normal dimensions. The friar, mathematician and anamorphic art painter Jean-François Niceron wrote La perspective curieuse, a very well-illustrated manual of perspective, where he revealed for the first time the secrets of anamorphosis. First published in 1638, Niceron's work was enlarged by the mathematician Roverbal and republished in 1663. Niceron's work was devoted mainly to the practical applications of perspective, catoptrics and dioptrics, and the illusory effects of optics.

  • Scientific book