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Vicenç Arroyo Collection

Over 22.000 elements, mainly photographs of film actors and actresses, most of them with the original signature.

On 8th April 2008, the Museum of Cinema incorporated into its collections an important collection of photographs donated by Vicenç Arroyo. This collection comprises over 22.000 mainly photographs of film actors and actresses from the 1920s to the present day, most of them with the original handwritten signature. Completing this collection is all sorts of supplementary material such as books, CDs and film programmes. This collection continues to grow thanks to new donations by Mr. Arroyo.

Vídeo Vicenç Arroyo Collection
  • Vicenç Arroyo

Algunes imatges de la col·lecció:

Marlene Dietrich
Antonio Banderas
Sofia Loren
Peter O'Toole
Richard Gere
Alec Guinness
Anjelica Houston
Annette Bening
Ava Gardner
Bette Davis
Brigitte Bardott
Charlton Heston
Clark Gable
Gary Cooper
Ingrid Bergman
Jack Lemmon
James Stewart
John Travolta
Julia Roberts
Katherine Hepburn
Lauren Bacall
Marlon Brando
Marilyn Monroe
Orson Welles
Rita Hayworth
Robert de Niro
Rock Hudson
Sean Connery
Tony Curtis
Tyrone Power
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Grace Kelly
Harrison Ford
John Wayne
Michelle Pfeiffer
Nicole Kidman
Paul Newman
Russell Crowe
Sharon Stone
Tom Cruise
Audrey Hepburn
Clint Eastowood
Dustin Hoffman
Henry Fonda
Sigourney Weaver